Friday, 18 October 2013

Wrong Diet, Increasing Risk of Osteoporosis

Risk of disease experienced by obese people are generally a lot more than people with normal weight. For example, for type 2 diabetes mellitus, the risk in obese people even said to increase by 50 percent.

However, for the risk of bone thinning disease or osteoporosis, it turns out that obese people have lower risk. The disease risk is higher in people who are underweight, especially those who have a body mass index less than 18.

Clinical dietician Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia Dr. Fiastuti Witjaksono, SpGK said the risk of osteoporosis is lower fat people, but if they lose weight the wrong way, it can go beyond the risks skinny.

Most obese people there must be an intention to lose weight. Well, if his diet is one way, it will increase their risk of osteoporosis.

Diet wrong way, obviously Fiastuti, is that losing weight quickly, unbalanced diet, eaten in very small quantities, even fasting dozen hours without adequate nutritional intake.

For example, he added, the method of high- protein low-carbohydrate diet. According to him, excessive protein intake will trigger the protein out of the bone and lost through the urine. If left for long periods, the amount of calcium in the bones will decline and osteoporosis occurs.

The body has a protein content standard, if too excessive, the body will remove it  Unfortunately expenditures protein also triggers the calcium from the bones.

Therefore, the selection method Fiastuti emphasis on proper weight reduction in order not to increase the risk of osteoporosis. The method he suggests that reducing daily calorie intake, but not too much, maybe just a reduction of 300-500 calories.

Reduction in the amount of calories can be done by eliminating certain foods, especially foods high in saturated fat. Instead, replace these foods with eating lots of vegetables and fruits , and low-fat milk.

As well, the burning of calories needs to be improved, way is by exercising regularly. Type of exercise helps to reduce weight quickly and also helps the absorption of calcium which is weight-bearing exercise, such as walking or running.

how to health diet ? follow this way