Sunday, 9 June 2013

Benefits of bananas

Ever imagine what it's like to be brothers William Holders variety putrid world tennis match? In addition to qualified skills, of course, excellent body stamina is the key for them to stay ahead in the field. Imagine the Williams sisters sometimes have to compete for more than 6 hours to win the game.
If you carefully observe, nutrition athlete most favorite tennis world is bananas! Yes, bananas be a lifesaver for them. Bananas can be easily absorbed by the body and re-energize their peak.

In general, the nutrients contained in each ripe banana fruit are as follows: calories 99 calories, 1.2 grams protein, 0.2 grams fat, 25.8 milligrams of carbohydrates, 0.7 grams fiber, 8 mg calcium, phosphorus 28 milligrams, 0.5 milligrams of iron, 44 RE vitamin A, 0.08 milligrams of vitamin B, vitamin C 3 mg and 72 grams of water.

The content of bananas very much, made up of minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, fiber, protein, fat and other, so that if people only eating bananas alone was minimally adequate nutrition.

Select the best quality bananas!

Choose bananas that are ripe, the skin is yellowish green with brown spots or yellow, because it will be easily digested and converted into glucose sugar fruit naturally rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, raw banana would be difficult to digest.

Benefits of bananas:

  1. Source of energy forces, bananas can easily be digested, the sugar found in fruit is turned into a good source of energy is right, and that's good in the formation of the body, to the working muscles and is great for relieving fatigue.
  2. Benefits for pregnant women, bananas are also recommended for pregnant women consumed because they contain folic acid, which is easily absorbed by the fetus through the uterus. However, not too much, because one banana contains 85-100 calories.
  3. Benefit for patients with anemia, two bananas are eaten by patients anemia per day is enough, because it contains high iron.
  4. Benefits for intestinal and stomach diseases, banana mixed with milk can be served as a remedy in cases of intestinal disease. It can also be recommended for patients with abdominal pain and Cholik to neutralize gastric acidity. A banana served as a defense against inflammation because vitamin C can be quickly processed. He transformed into harmless bacillus bacillus-friendly. Thus, they will be helped. Mashed banana or banana cream can be consumed by patients suffering from diarrhea.
  5. Banana benefits for patients with liver, liver disease sufferers eat bananas good two plus one tablespoon of honey, which will increase appetite and create stronger.
  6. Benefits for burns, banana leaf can be used for the treatment of burned skin smeared manner, a mixture of banana leaf ash plus coconut oil has the effect of cooling the skin.
  7. Benefits for people with diabetes, people in Gorontalo in Indonesia, namely banana banana type goroho regional specialties, is a food supplement for people suffering from diabetes mellitus, especially bananas goroho immature, then steamed and mixed with coconut.
  8. Bananas and beauty, banana porridge mixed with a little milk and honey, dabbed at his face every day for 30-40 minutes on a regular basis. Rinse with warm water then rinse with cold water, repeated for 15 days, will produce an amazing effect on the skin.
  9. Bananas for weight management, bananas also have a role in weight loss as well as to increase the weight. It has been proven a person loses weight by dieting four bananas 4 cups low-fat milk in a week, the amount of calories in just 1250 and the menu is quite healthy. In addition, the diet does not make skin oily and clean. On the other hand, consume one glass of banana mixed with honey, fruits, nuts and mangoes after dinner, will raise the weight.

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Tips and how to cope with diarrhea

Sometimes we as humans neglect the health of our bodies, so it can not shy away from foods that are not hygienic or clean seeds of all kinds of germs and disease. If we are not hygienic food then we could develop digestive disease that one of the effects is diarrhea. Besides diarrhea caused by chemicals in food poisoning, colds, dehydration (lack of body fluids) and so on.

Diarrhea is a condition where a person defecate many times in one day which exceeds the normal limits and feces or fases that came out in the form of thin or viscous liquids accompanied by wind from the stomach. Here are four ways to deal with diarrhea.

  1. Drink lots of water, often to drink lots of water due to frequent bowel movements, the body will lose a lot of fluid that should always be replaced with new fluid. After every bowel movement drink one or two glasses of water that is clean and already cooked.Drink a mixture of salt and sugar solution to help resist the formation of energy and diarrhea after bowel movements. Avoid drinking tea and coffee or other beverages that can stimulate gastric acid.
  2. Special foods, avoid fibrous foods such as gelatin, vegetable and fruit. Because fiber foods will only prolong the diarrhea. Fibrous foods are only good for constipation sufferers. For patients with diarrhea should eat foods low in fiber and smooth like porridge with salted egg dishes. Rice will give you energy while the protein while the salted eggs gives to withstand salt diarrhea and as a body builder substances. Avoid eating foods in indiscriminate stall and spicy foods.
  3. Adequate rest, can not be denied that people suffering from diarrhea will feel weak, limp, listless, less passionate and so forth. For those of you that are already feeling very weak schools should ask permission or workplace to avoid the worst of the possibility or embarrassing in public. Sleep as much as possible, but do not forget the time eating food and taking medications regularly, drinking lots and worship.
  4. Taking medication with the right dose, after getting a drink in accordance with the drug dose and time specified. Usually the doctor will give you drugs mules, diarrhea medications, vitamins and antibiotics. For drug mules and diarrhea should be taken if the mules stomach and diarrhea alone and stop if it stops mules and diarrhea. As for the antibiotics required to be spent so that germs and germs total dead and not cause resistance. For vitamins, whatever you want to spend or not, but it would not hurt if it is spent as vitamins good for you as long as it is not excessive.

How to brush teeth properly

Brush your teeth after meals and before bedtime is a daily routine. The goal is to obtain oral health and well being of fresh breath. There are several different ways to brush your teeth, which need to be considered when brushing your teeth is:

  1. How to brush should be able to clean up all the deposits on the surface of the teeth and gums as well, especially the pocket space between the gum and tooth.
  2. Movement toothbrush does not damage the gum tissue and enamel mangabrasi with no excess pressure.
  3. How to brush must be effective and efficient.
  4. Toothbrushing frequency up to 3 times a day or at least 2 times a day (after breakfast and before bedtime).

Once we know that the frequency is mengisik teeth 3 times a day, after every meal and before bed. In fact brushing your teeth 3 times a day is not always possible, especially when one is in school, office or anywhere else. Manson (1971) argues that brushing your teeth is 2 times a day, after breakfast and before bedtime.

Brushing your teeth should be done systematically, no leftovers remained. Ranging from how to brush your teeth right and left driven back towards the front and rear ends of the teeth right and left from the other side. The result would be better to use disclosing solution or disclosing tablets before and after brushing teeth. By disclosing solution, layer attached to the tooth surface can be seen clearly.
Known to some kind menyikatan and brush my teeth, namely:
  1. Vertical direction Direction of vertical movement up and down brushing teeth in the upper jaw and the lower state is closed. This movement to the tooth surface facing the cheek, while the surface of the teeth facing the tongue brushing movement up and down in an open mouth. This way there is a shortage, which is not true when brushing your teeth can cause gum recession decreased so that the teeth look.
  2. Horizontal movement Brushing motion direction forward and backward from the buccal and lingual surfaces. Chewing rubbing movement on the field known as the scrub brush. It's easy to do and in accordance with the chewing surface anatomy. Combination horizontal vertical movement, when done should be very careful because it can cause gum recession enamel.
  3. Roll motion This way, a simple movement, the most recommended, efficient and reach all parts of the mouth. Bristles placed on the surface of the gum, chewing away from the surface plane, feather edge slow motion through the back surface of the tooth so that the brush head moves in the arch.
At the time of bristles through your teeth crown, almost upright position against the enamel surface. Repeat this movement 12 times so almost nothing is missed. This method can produce massage the gums and clean the area between the teeth leftovers.

With exposure to the above, we are now able to choose according to their respective tastes and attention to ethics dna brush your teeth properly right. Not lazy brushing after meals and before bedtime. Take a minute to look after your teeth and achieve fresh breath. Keep in mind, and note that the source of infection begins with healthy teeth and mouth condition fresh ... you will sleep soundly and avoid the disease.

Properties of tea to destroy gallstones and prevent cancer

Gallstones are more common in female patients and is usually associated with obesity, occurs in the bile ducts that transmit from the colon to the liver h. If stones block the entrance of the gall bladder, it can cause discomfort and pain, the location under the right side abdomen ribs. For this incident, the actions that can be done is to remove the gallbladder or called cholecystectomy, is needed. However, serious complications of gallstones are often not detected.

Gallstones can be a factor in biliary tract cancer are not clearly defined. Some studies have suggested that consumption of tea, especially green tea can protect a variety of cancers.

In the new study, the researchers examined the effects of tea consumption on the risk of biliary tract cancers and biliary stones. In their study involving 627 patients with biliary tract cancer, 1037 with gallstones and 959 controls.
Obtained data on demographics, health and food factor and tea consumption, for the habit of drinking tea, they are assessed are routinely consume at least one cup of tea a day for 6 months. Of the 959 control subjects, 394 (41%) were drinking tea.

Results they found, was a woman who regularly consume 1 cup of tea per day for 6 months, there was a deterioration in the risk of bile stones by 27%, bladder cancer by 44% and bile duct cancer by 35%. In men, the effect of tea also seemed not much different.

Of the chemicals found in tea that has properties which prevent the abnormal growth of cells and has anti-inflammatory effects that reduce the risk of biliary tract disease. 

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Tips to overcome insomnia.

Insomnia can be defined as a condition where a person has trouble falling asleep or can not sleep well. On average, each person experiencing insomnia once in his life. There are even more extreme mention 30-50% of the population experiencing insomnia.

Insomnia can affect all age groups. Nevertheless, the incidence of insomnia increases with age. This might be due to the stress that often plague older people. In addition, women are said to be more likely to suffer from insomnia than men.

Here are some tips you can do to reduce insomnia attacks.
  1. Regular exercise. Some studies suggest that regular exercise can help people who have trouble sleeping. Exercise should be done in the morning instead of a few minutes before bed. With exercise you become more optimal health so that the body can fight stress that comes with better.
  2. Avoid eating and drinking too much before bed, too much food will cause stomach to be uncomfortable, while drinking too many will cause frequent urination. Of course both these circumstances will disrupt your hibernation.
  3. Sleep in a comfortable state. At bedtime, turn off the lights, turn off the things that make noise, make sure you are comfortable with the temperature of the room, keep the clock from your pendangan that thing because they can make you anxious because they can not sleep while the clock soluble fabric.
  4. Reduce consumption of drinks that are stimulants or causing you awake such as tea, coffee, alcohol and cigarettes. This drink will cause you awake which of course you do not need if you want to sleep.
  5. Eat light meals that contain fewer carbohydrates before bed, when available, add a glass of warm milk.
  6. Bathe with warm water 30 minutes or an hour before bed. In addition, a hot bath will cause sedation or sleep inducing. Additionally, mandai warm water also reduces body tension.
  7. Stop watching tv, reading a book at least an hour before bed.
  8. Use your bed for sleeping, this will help your body adjust to the environment of the bed. When you are lying in bed, then there will be stimulus for sleep.
  9. Perform regular relaxation activities. Listening to music, practicing breathing, meditation and others will help slow down the process occurs in the body so that the body becomes more relaxed. This situation will be easier for you to sleep.
  10. Clear your mind.
  11. Sleep and wake up in a regular period every day. Chaotic bedtime will disrupt your sleep later.

Thus tips reduce your sleep problems. Always remember that sleep is a basic requirement for the body's growth and repair are impaired organ function. Insomnia is not an inherited disease, and thus would be easily cured.
If the steps above you still feel like a failure to overcome sleep problems, consult with your doctor to find a way out.

Tips to stay young

Here are a few things that I understand very successful in improving my performance that seemed old to look younger:

  1. Turn off the lights during night sleep, why? In the darkness, the body secretes a hormone that helps the body's cells repair themselves properly. This hormone will not exit the body when sleeping with the light conditions. thus, when we sleep in a state of light, our bodies lose have a chance to improve themselves. When this happens, the body continually be aging faster.
  2. Consume sufficient vitamin with, for example, vitamin A and vitamin E, essential for the formation of epithelial skin and hair. B vitamins, is important to help digest food substances that can be used with good body. Vitamin C, an excellent fatherly maintain the integrity of the blood vessel wall, so that nutrients can be channeled either through the blood vessels without wasted because of leaky blood vessels. Vitamin C also helps balance blood calcium levels, so it does not need to be taken from the bones.
  3. Balance between intake of fat, carbohydrates, protein and minerals, not restrain themselves from one another while consuming excessive. Why? because all the ingredients together before eating our body takes in balance.
  4. Drink enough. Less drinking can cause skin wrinkles and overall body metabolism become chaotic. Metabolic derangement in the long run can accelerate aging.
  5. Perform the exercise with enough at least 1 time a week, up to 5 times a week. Vigorous exercise (more than 5 hours a day) for more than 3 times a week instead make us older faster.
  6. Familiarize yourself breathe more deeply, about 5 seconds and 5 seconds inhale exhale. Breathe more deeply to maximize the absorption of oxygen and carbon dioxide to maximize disposal.
  7. Use skin-friendly cleanser body, especially the face. Sign entities not friendly cleaners are hot on the skin when used. Special face, apply the cream at least face before going to a place exposed to the sun. If you are also routinely clean the face with a special cleanser face before going to bed, that's better.
  8. Life is fraught with difficulties. By getting used to take the positives from the difficulties of life, will create a feeling of lightness in the heart of the very long term help to make us stay young.
  9. Get used to a simple lifestyle.
  10. Get used to taking the good path, because the path of good will reassure, while street crime to bring a variety of concerns ranging from mild to severe, depending on how big your heart to do evil. A lot of research that proves that peace can be ageless, but anxiety accelerate the aging process.

Tips to cope with bad breath

Bad breath is medically called halitosis, can arise from irregular teeth eradicate activities. It could also be a sign of serious health problems. Bad breath can also arise because of the food you eat and other unhealthy lifestyle habits.
How food can affect bad breath?
Basically, all processed foods in the mouth first. As foods are digested and absorbed into the bloodstream and carried to the lungs, resulting in breathing was going to get the impact. When you eat foods with strong odors such as onions or onion, toothbrush, flossing even mouthwash can reduce the odor temporarily, this smell will not go away completely until the foods have passed through the body.

Why bad habits affect bad breath?
If you do not brush your teeth daily floss regularly, food particles can remain in the mouth, which promotes bacteria grow easily in the mouth, gums and tongue around. This is what causes bad breath. Bacteria and food particles can cause bad breath if not cleaned. Smoking or chewing tobacco can also cause bad breath, stain teeth, reduce your ability to taste food and irritate gum tissues.

What health problems are associated with bad breath?
Bad breath is persistent can be warning signs of gum disease. This is due to the presence of plaque on the teeth. Bacteria in the tooth to remove toxins or poisons that irritate the gums. If the disease is untreated, it can damage your gums and jaw. Pasnya not wire supporting the teeth, caries and fungal infections also cause bad breath.

Dry mouth can also cause bad breath. Saliva is necessary to moisten and neutralize the acids produced by plaque, also wash the dead cells that accumulate on the tongue, gums and cheeks. If not removed, these cells will cause bad breath. Dry mouth may be caused by o; eh certain medications, salivary gland problems, or continuous breathing medication by mouth.
Several other diseases can also cause bad breath. Here's what to watch as respiratory tract infections, chronic sinus infections, diabetes, kidney problems, liver disease, chronic flukus acid and postnasal disorders.

What is required for the mouth does not smell anymore?
  1. Check to the dentist regularly. At least six months.
  2. Drink plenty of water can be poured food particles and bacteria also stimulate saliva production.
  3. Keep your food. Diligent toothbrush, twice a day with toothpaste to remove plaque. Do not forget to brush your tongue as well. Replace your toothbrush every 2-3 months. Use floss and kumurlah with antiseptic.

How to prevent asthma

Asthma can not be cured, but can be prevented by avoiding triggers. For parents who smoke, quit! Smoke is a major trigger of asthma, especially for children.
As quoted from the magazine that published the info asthma asthma foundation Indonesia, there are 18 ways that can be used to avoid asthma triggers, such as:

  1. Mattresses, beds and pillows should be replaced with cotton foam and then put into vinyl bag with zipper bags or wrapped in plastic and held together with duct tape as gift wrap.
  2. Bedspreads, comforters, pillowcases and bolster often washed at least once a week with hot water (55-60 degrees Celsius).
  3. Floors cleaned with a damp cloth once a day
  4. Curtain curtains washed every two weeks.
  5. Cabinets, shelves and drawers cleaned with a wet lab, and at most only 3 books should be placed in it.
  6. Replace carpets with linoleum or wood floors. If not, can also regularly smoked with high efficiency particulate air filter (HEPA) and two copies of the dust bag.
  7. Books, magazines and toys do not exist in the bedroom. If it should exist, then each should only be 3 pieces. Fewer items in the bedroom, it's even better.
  8. Dolls and toys made of fabric should be washed with hot water setip week.
  9. Avoid smoke from mosquito coils and furnaces.
  10. Use a fan in the kitchen and bathroom to expel the smoke and the pungent smell of the kitchen
  11. Furry pets-preferably not at home who suffer from asthma. At least the animals are not in the main bedroom and living room
  12. Bathe your pets twice a week.
  13. Most long underwear which is more than 2 weeks in the closet, after it had washed back or moved to another room. If not possible then wrapped in a plastic bag and taped with masking tape like wrapping presents
  14. Air conditioner (AC) filter is not too cold and cleaned once a week.
  15. Use a HEPA air filter in your bedroom and main room.
  16. Clean environment like cockroaches like damp places, food scraps, and other places open.
  17. Use exterminator roaches.
  18. Fix all leaks or water sources that could potentially lead to mold, such as shower walls, tub, faucets and other places.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Tips to overcome the difficulty in bowel movements

Difficulty defecating or better known as constipation is a problem that may be experienced by you. Many consider constipation just a minor annoyance that can disappear or simply due to less fiber, but you taukah that constipation can be a sign of something wrong in the gastrointestinal tract and can be life threatening if not treated properly.

Constipation or constipation can be interpreted as an interference with the movement of the gastrointestinal tract that giving rise to difficulty in bowel movements or reduced defecation frequency. Frequency of bowel movements varies widely among individuals and individual so that constipation can only be rated by sipenderita based on the frequency of bowel movements normally. This constipation symptoms occur in approximately 1-2% of the general population.

Often constipation can heal itself or simply because of changes in the types of food eaten, but constipation can also be a part of a disease or disorder arising in the lower gastrointestinal tract.

Before we discuss constipation, surely we must first know the movement under the normal gastrointestinal tract. The call with the lower GI tract consists of the lower small intestine, colon and rectum. So if there is interference on one part of the above then constipation can occur. Arrangements under the GI movement largely regulated by the nervous system beyond conscious human control except for the rectum that can be set consciously. When the rest of the food that has been digested into the jejunum and ileum it will stimulate the nervous system to move the bowel and colon simultaneously encouraging regular bowel se leftovers. After the rest of the food reaches the large intestine, there will be the absorption of water and electrolytes from the rest of the food, then the rest of the products will be stored temporarily in the colon and when it is full the rest of the product was brought to the rectum. The rest of the product is what will stimulate the rectum sensation like bowel movements, but as the rectum consciously arranged by you then you can resist the urge to defecate for a while to get to the toilet.

Tips to overcome insomnia

Every human spent a third of his life to sleep, meaning if you are now 30 years old, then at least 10 years old to use for sleep.
Sleep is very important for humans. While sleeping, resting the organs and damaged body cells undergo repairs. Lactic acid (causes exhaustion) also neutralized during sleep so we got up the body feel fresh again. Enough sleep is also able to stabilize emotions. Lack of sleep will cause a decline in the level of motivation, concentration, precision, creativity and productivity.
Almost every man had experienced trouble sleeping. One of three people reported having trouble sleeping and one of the nine people have serious sleep problems.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder suffered seraca continuous (more than ten days). Species there are three, namely: difficulty sleeping, always waking up in the middle of the night and always quicker than desired.

There are at least four factors cause insomnia:
  1. Impaired physicalSome physical illnesses can cause insomnia, for example asthma, rheumatism, fever, ulcers, kidney and thyroid disease. These diseases must be addressed first. For asthmatics treated first. For previously treated patients with asthma shortness of breath, pain treated patients with rheumatoid arthritis and so on.
  2. Disturbed psychicAfter examination by a doctor can not find certain physical diseases, psychological factors may be considered as a cause of insomnia.Not only caused problems in your life who is a hard man to sleep, even thinking about lovers who live far away. This requires awareness of the people in proportion to solve problems with full effort and patience. This can be done by yourself or help psychologists.You should not use sleep medication without the advice of a doctor. Use was limited to just 2-3 days and can be repeated up to 3 times.
  3. The use of drugs and alcoholThe use of alcohol and drugs will interfere with organ function and normal innervation.
  4. Environment that interferesEnvironmental conditions that interfere with, for example, noise, bright lights will distract sleep. Then set the environment of your bedroom as comfortable as possible, quiet and a little dark.
  5. ViceWe recommend that you avoid the bad things as follows.Avoid drinking coffee or caffeinated food from the afternoon until the evening before bed. Caffeine can stimulate nerves so that you might have trouble sleeping.Avoid other activities on the bed that had nothing to do with sleeping, eating or working example. Use the bed only for sleep and sex. It is useful to make you used to that when in bed then it is time to sleep.
    In addition to overcoming the above causes of insomnia. A good idea to try to regulate your sleep patterns sesetabil possible. Sleep and wake up at the same time every day, even holidays. Get used to the timetable so that your sleep patterns back to normal. Learn relaxation techniques also would not hurt. You could try yoga or mediation. Some people even do certain things to get relaxed atmosphere, among others:1. Warm water bath2. Counting sheep3. Sleep facing north4. Crusted toes move5. Stroking belly6. Take a deep breath7. Imagine something beautiful8. Sex9. Counting down10. Listen to the radio.
Good luck and of course, congratulations to sleep.

Tips to prevent heat inside

Big breakfast Sunday morning. Several cups of coffee with a fried egg and cheese layered meat. Then the afternoon relaxing on the soft sofa. None of which could derail this lucrative plan, is not it?
None, except a burning sensation in the chest. This disorder most often we experience. This is called the heat inside. Actually, the medical term is a misnomer, because the heat in attacking the lower esophagus, which then causes pain. Acid attack disgesif not to have some sort of stomach because the stomach membrane that protect protetif, but the esophagus does not have this kind of membrane. That is why you feel sick.

Hot triggers in the most common are:
  1. Eating lots of meat
  2. Eating too fast
  3. Brown, red onion, garlic and peppermint.
  4. Smoking after a meal
  5. Coffee
  6. Aperitif
  7. Hiatal hernia, prostrusi upper abdomen through the diaphragm, a condition that affects one out of every 60-year-old man. This damage allows stomach acid back into the esophagus spurts.
Treatment requires avoidance of trigger factors in the heat as much as possible, plus the following:
  1. Sit and stand up straight or walk around whenever whenever possible. Body bending or lying down will facilitate secretion gastik move up towards the esophagus.
  2. If the heat bothers you when sleeping, add pillows so that your head held higher.
  3. Keep your weight. Those whose bodies are too fat (or pregnant women), upper abdominal pressing upward through the diaphragm.
  4. Reduce consumption of meat.
  5. Do not eat for about 2-3 hours before bed.
  6. To protect you in neutralizing stomach acid, take 1 to 2 teaspoons of liquid antacid every 1 to 2 hours.
  7. Drink a glass of milk; way this might help further. Milk acts as a protective agent, but the milk is not as effective as effective compared with antacid.

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Treating colds

Who has not been in the wind? Almost everyone has experienced it. But surprisingly, the medical world does not know the term colds. Surprisingly again, almost every minute always appear cold or product advertising cold medicine on television.
People who colds will usually experience bloating, nausea and pain. Plus can not fart and burp. But need to be aware if it feels pain and tightness in the chest. It could be that it is the wind sits. It can be fatal, which died suddenly.
To prevent colds, get used to eat regularly, consumption of vitamins. Can natural vitamins from food or dietary supplements. Could also preventive medicine or herbal medicine colds. The goal is to be a good endurance. Then wear thick clothes or jacket when riding a motorcycle or are in an area that has high winds and cold.
If it has been exposed to colds, avoid cold drinks. Eat ginger ale or other hot beverages. If you are going to drink herbal or cold medicine, consider dose. Should not be excessive because it is dangerous. Brush the stomach and waist with eucalyptus oil. Scrapings can also be an alternative. But be careful. Pressure that is too tight can cause skin irritation.
There is one more tips to ward off colds. The tips I got from a doctor when I was exposed to colds. Prepare hot water and then put into a large water bottle. Add cold water to prevent overheating. Close the bottle tightly. Sleep on your back, then roll-roll the hot water bottle around the stomach.

Drinking herbal medicine may cause kidney problems

Kidney is one of the important organs of the human dimiki, however, still many of our brothers who do not know him in depth. This led us your knowledge about kidney and disease, prevention and treatment of kidney disease is also low. In order not to be mistaken as well as maintain healthy kidneys.
The kidney is an organ that serves as a filter, removing excess salt, water, acid, discard or set electrolytes such as K, Ca, Mg, PO4 and the rest of the body metabolism. The kidneys also produce a charge of EPO secretion to regulate the functioning blood hemoglobin (HB), the activity of vitamin D for bone health, seerta secrete rennin to regulate blood pressure. Damage to the kidney tissue caused by toxins should be avoided to prevent damage to the kidneys.
Traditional herbal or natural products are sold and circulated in the market in the form of pills or powder, often accused harmful to the kidneys if taken an overdose or without a lot of drinking water, Karen aginjal the job discharging water, rest and fluids by filtering blood therein metabolism tersuplai to the kidneys. If not accompanied by drinking, you can imagine the blood that flowed into the kidney to be filtered and dumped it concentrates dense, coupled with the presence of the metabolites of herbal medicine. Can be quickly damaged kidneys filter the liquids that must continuously concentrate. And will be even more dangerous if it is purchased and consumed herbs that turned out to contain medicinal compounds synthesis. It could happen reactions complications. Also the use of herbal medicine in the long term could affect the buildup of metabolic compounds in the organs, such as hearts, gastrointestinal tract and the kidney.
In addition to the intake from outside, other factors that cause kidney disease is a risk of emergence of high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, heart disease and blood vessel heredity. Another factor is age over 60 years, ill lupus or other autoimmune diseases, obesity, urinary tract infection, kidney stones or low birth weight. Although uncommon, beberpa people have called chronic renal failure there caused by inherited abnormalities. Breeds such as polycystic kidney disease can lead to chronic renal failure.
Kidney disease classified as a chronic disease that is not contagious, but the originator of various malignancies. For example, coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension and diabetes mellitus. These diseases is currently a major threat in the world of health. Tan dad's symptoms of acute renal failure include: swollen eyes, swollen feet, back pain, urinary pain, fever, urinary little, blood urine, frequent urination.
Signs and symptoms of chronic kidney are: weak, without strength, decreased appetite, frequent nausea, vomiting, swelling, decreased urination, itching, shortness of breath, pale.
A pretty good way of prevention is to consume plenty of water, avoid the consumption of herbs for the long term, avoiding drugs and so carelessly. Another way is to exercise regularly, stop smoking, eat a balanced diet, avoid dehydration by drinking at least 2 liters a day.

Tips to prevent the loss of vision

Routine eye health examinations at least twice a year can help prevent loss of vision and detecting systemic diseases such as diabetes. Saying that many ignore.
Eyes are the windows to the heart. Feeling sad or happy can be started from the eye. We recognize the concept of a beautiful, harmonious, colors and shapes is also inseparable from the role of the sense of sight. Unfortunately, most people do not heed the advice eye health examinations regularly at least six months.
Never mind the eye examination as a precautionary measure, those who already have vision problems too often lazy visit to the doctor. It is also happening in the United States, as reported in a recent survey the superpower country.
Based on the survey conducted by the American Optometric Association, people who wear contact lenses kacamta or quite a lot, which is 81 percent of the overall population. Ironically one of the five people claimed to have more than two years of not visiting an eye doctor.
This condition may worsen, especially in those who do not use lensapengoreksi, eye problems such as the minus or plus. In this group, three of the five people claimed to have carried out tests sema vision more than two years.
The doctors believe it is caused by the majority of vision problems seemed unclear Because people generally do not schedule a visit to the eye doctor as something routine.
Yes, maybe we are busy. Most of us probably have good eyesight so we merassa fine, no problems whatsoever. Convenience is what often makes us too complacent.
The survey conducted by the American Academy of Ophthalmology further strengthen this assumption, only 28 percent of the people surveyed felt certain eye diseases and only 23 percent to pay attention to fears loss of vision.
Optometrists from Brainerd Minn, Dr. Kerry Beebe, said the early detection of eye disorders is very important. Because, when a person realizes he has lost his eyesight, usually too late to pursue a chance to get treatment.
So far, most people argue that btidak vision problems, eye pain and no fine. They do not realize that many eye diseases do not display symptoms at an early stage. An example is the case of loss of vision in patients with glaucoma, a disease of the optic nerve damage and visual field constriction resulted.
New patients generally aware of this blind spot when the damage is severe optic nerve fibers. If the entire nerve fiber is damaged, total blindness inevitable.
"Together you realize that there's something strange, in fact there has been a significant decrease in visual function that can lead to vision loss," said Iwach. "But if we are deftly handled earlier, a lot of things that can still be saved," he added as he revealed that the examination by an ophthalmologist can help detect the possibility of eye irritation.
"The eye is a unique organ, where we can see the veins, arteries and nerves are clear, even to goto the back of the eye and optic nerve. Through eye examination, we can also determine the possibility of systemic disease, "said Iwach.
He pointed out, a number of eye disorders may be an early marker of diabetes. In medicine, the technical term diabetic retinopathy, in which the retinal blood vessels damaged by diabetes may have a leak that causes swelling of the retina. In case of further bleeding could occur in the connective tissue and the growth of the eyeball. If left unchecked or not treated properly can lead to impaired vision and even blindness.
As a precautionary measure, The American Optometric Association recommends adults to check the condition of the eyes at least once every two years. This is important even if there is no visual complaints whatsoever. While infants and children should be checked for eye health at the age of 6 months, 3 years, before entering elementary school time and then every two years.
The survey conducted by the American Optometric Association revealed that 8 of 10 children never get an eye examination by the age of one year "older people may melihatnyabaik okay, son mengluh not any, so no problem. Though, keep in mind that one year olds do not have a reference or comparison of any object that could have seen them. So, if there is something wrong, they will not say because they do not know, "said Beebe.
For those of you who started at the age of 40 years, current guidelines from the American Academy of Ophthalmology also suggest a visit to the ophthalmologist at least once.
According Iwach, the results of this consultation and eye tests can reveal a possible risk factor for impaired vision, especially the most vulnerable such as the elderly experienced cataract.