Here are a few things that I understand very successful in improving my performance that seemed old to look younger:
- Turn off the lights during night sleep, why? In the darkness, the body secretes a hormone that helps the body's cells repair themselves properly. This hormone will not exit the body when sleeping with the light conditions. thus, when we sleep in a state of light, our bodies lose have a chance to improve themselves. When this happens, the body continually be aging faster.
- Consume sufficient vitamin with, for example, vitamin A and vitamin E, essential for the formation of epithelial skin and hair. B vitamins, is important to help digest food substances that can be used with good body. Vitamin C, an excellent fatherly maintain the integrity of the blood vessel wall, so that nutrients can be channeled either through the blood vessels without wasted because of leaky blood vessels. Vitamin C also helps balance blood calcium levels, so it does not need to be taken from the bones.
- Balance between intake of fat, carbohydrates, protein and minerals, not restrain themselves from one another while consuming excessive. Why? because all the ingredients together before eating our body takes in balance.
- Drink enough. Less drinking can cause skin wrinkles and overall body metabolism become chaotic. Metabolic derangement in the long run can accelerate aging.
- Perform the exercise with enough at least 1 time a week, up to 5 times a week. Vigorous exercise (more than 5 hours a day) for more than 3 times a week instead make us older faster.
- Familiarize yourself breathe more deeply, about 5 seconds and 5 seconds inhale exhale. Breathe more deeply to maximize the absorption of oxygen and carbon dioxide to maximize disposal.
- Use skin-friendly cleanser body, especially the face. Sign entities not friendly cleaners are hot on the skin when used. Special face, apply the cream at least face before going to a place exposed to the sun. If you are also routinely clean the face with a special cleanser face before going to bed, that's better.
- Life is fraught with difficulties. By getting used to take the positives from the difficulties of life, will create a feeling of lightness in the heart of the very long term help to make us stay young.
- Get used to a simple lifestyle.
- Get used to taking the good path, because the path of good will reassure, while street crime to bring a variety of concerns ranging from mild to severe, depending on how big your heart to do evil. A lot of research that proves that peace can be ageless, but anxiety accelerate the aging process.