Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Alert, Vit B Supplements Contain Steroids

Agency for Food and Drug Administration USA (FDA) issued a warning to consumers to avoid vitamin B supplements are sold Healthy Life Chemistry by Purity First because it contains anabolic steroids are dangerous.

The FDA said the B-50 supplements are positive for methasterone and dimethazine, two types of steroids are sometimes used illegally by bodybuilders. Both steroids are also not listed in the supplement packaging.

The agency has also received 29 reports of adverse events related to the supplement products, such as fatigue, muscle cramps and aches. Some cases even require a doctor's care, although there are no reports of deaths or liver damage.

B vitamin supplements dangerous it is produced by Mira Health Products in Farmingdale, New York, and sold in drug stores as well as online. The company also refused to order the FDA to voluntarily withdraw the product.

The content of steroids in this vitamin supplements can cause side effects unusual hair growth and menstrual disorders in women, and impotence and impaired testosterone in men.

wise use of herbal medicines

Herbal medicine is claimed to be non-toxic. Its use is without side effects make people feel safe and comfortable when taking it. As a result, some people use herbs without calculation. This is due to the effects of herbs that tend to be lighter than synthetic drugs.

In fact, according to Director of the School Biofarmaka-IPB (PSB-IPB), Prof.. Latifah K.Darusman, like synthetic drugs, herbs actually have a specific purpose. To obtain maximum benefit, herbs should be used with a certain dose. Determination of the dose depends on the purpose of treatment or how severe the disease.

"No need to go overboard. Though not toxic, it might be wise to use it," says Latifah.

He cited the use of ginger rhizome Zingiber mengandungan. Ginger is often used to induce a sense of warmth.
"For this purpose, do not need to drink 1 liter. 250 milliliters if the already warm, then pretty much," he said. When the spicy taste of ginger is unbearable, you can add a little sugar to it.

Herbal medicine, says Latifah, depending on the compound extracted. Herbs contained in hundreds of kinds of active substances that can cure various diseases. Excess is what sometimes makes herbal medicine called god.

"No one called the god of medicine. Technologies extract the key to successful herbal medicine," he said.
With extracts, herbal medicine become more specific to the dose can be adjusted. Latifah also suggested herbal medicine treats the same as synthetic. For example, eating before taking a medication, and taking appropriate dosage recommended.

Herbal herbal medicine according to experts from the University of Airlangga (Airlangga University), Prof.. Soeprapto Maat can be used for degenerative diseases and infections. Herbal existence was actually able to fill the place left by synthetic drugs. So when appropriate, herbal and synthetic can be used together without any adverse effects.

"Herbs can be used as an adjuvant (companion) or play theraphy," said Soeprapto.

Adjuvant function as contained in meniran for excessive vaginal discharge treatment for fungus. Meniran will fight the fungus, while whitish treated with other drugs.

Function as the main herbal theraphy are at increased endurance. This function can also be obtained from the extract meniran in roots, stems, leaves and fruit. Regular consumption causes durability is always in a state prepare on state, if any bacteria or virus attack.

3 Ways To Pregnant Women Not Overheating

Discomfort due to heat cuacadan can be experienced by anyone, including pregnant women. Typically, pregnant women will do anything to make her keep cool.

Hot temperatures not only did not make it comfortable, but even according to the Mayo Clinic, the body temperature to rise above 38 degrees Celsius can increase the risk of miscarriage in pregnant women. High temperatures also pose a risk of abnormalities in fetal brain or spine.

Although the body has its own cooling capability by way of the blood flow to the skin's surface area, but the hot conditions in pregnant women should not be allowed.
"Blood is needed to nourish the baby. Sehigga in pregnant women, it's hard to make yourself feel cool. For the fetus it is becoming increasingly difficult," said the director of the Equinox Fitness Training Institute, Geralyn Coopersmith.

Coppersmith share some tips to maintain the health of pregnant women and the fetus, when the weather was very hot

1. The streets in the dark

These tips apply to pregnant women who want to exercise. Walking may be the best exercise for pregnant women. When exercising, the body temperature rose 20 degrees higher than the outside temperature. Therefore, when the daytime running Sagat risk to the mother and fetus.

"When is the safest for a morning walk, or when the sun goes down," says Coopersmith. It is recommended to walk around 6am till half seven in the morning, before temperatures become extremely hot.

2. Many drink

It is advisable to drink a lot of pregnant women. Coopersmith suggests seeing the color of urine, to determine whether the fluid needs are met. "The color yellow urine should be easy or clear," says Coopersmith.

If you feel the heat Coopersmith prime recommend cold water in large quantities, every 15 minutes. Colder the water, the better for the body. According to him, the cold water will help to lower the body temperature. Preferably after waking make sure it has the cold water, so that when the temperature rises the stock can be used.

3. Still wet

If necessary bathe in the pool. A wash water as it goes across the pond feels soothing. It can also be used as a sport.

Coopersmith suggest running the water every 3 minutes. During in an expectant mother can do simple swimming motion, or take special classes for pregnant women. It is enough to move the body and make healthy pregnant women. Surely without feeling overheated.

What Causes Black Underarm Skin?

Have underarm skin is blackened certainly uncomfortable, Although it can be covered with clothing, but a darker shade on this section would interfere with performance. In fact, skin darkening armpits can be a sign of certain diseases.

Darkening of skin color can be caused by several things, including sun exposure, scars, and other skin disorders. While at the armpits, there are several common causes that affect the color of his skin, among others:

- Acanthosis nigricans
American Osteopathic College of Dermatology identify acanthosis nigricans as a disorder that is marked by the darkening of skin in the armpits, neck, and fingers. Abnormal skin growth is a result of increased levels of insulin and insulin resistance is usually indicated. Insulin resistance is a major risk of type 2 diabetes.

- Hyperpigmentation
Other skin conditions that are identified by the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology, hyperpigmentation is also a cause darkening of skin around the armpits. Generally hyperpigmentation is not just going around the armpit, but also around the groin. Hyperpigmentation is usually harmless and is formed from the excessive production of melanin.

- Skin irritation
Underarm skin irritation caused by friction of the action shaving underarm hair and clothes were rough. Irritation resulting black scars because scars after drying irritation.

- Sweat
According to Health and Beauty Daily Glow, excessive sweating is the most common cause underarm darkening of skin color, especially if you sweat uric acid.

- Dead skin cells
Accumulated dead skin cells causes darker skin color in the armpit. To overcome this, the diligent use scrub to scrape off dead skin.

- Armpit hair
Armpit hair can give the impression of dark underarm skin because hair color is darker than the original color of the skin. Although often shave, hair follicles in the skin which give the impression of dark armpits. So it helps eliminate underarm hair from the root.

Open stance Schizophrenia Patient Gets Help Healing

Severe mental illness or schizophrenia can actually be cured with medication, but most families feel embarrassed if any family member who suffers from schizophrenia that tends to cover it and did not want to seek treatment.

In fact, open attitude it will help reduce the negative stigma which is often carried schizophrenic patients and their families. "Openness indicates the family was able to receive state family member who suffers from schizophrenia," said Dr. Bambang Eko Sunaryanto, Sp.KJ, Director of the Mental Hospital Dr.Rajiman Wediodiningrat.

Active role of the family to explain to the public the disease schizophrenia is also very helpful explaining the negative myths are false. Misunderstanding causes the disease often linked with schizophrenia as a curse or supernatural.

Society more understanding and tolerant of people with mental disorders, more able to accept such patients in their environment. "A conducive environment will humanize schizophrenia patients so that they can perform various activities like a normal person, with no stigma or perceived slant on him," said Bambang.

Treatment of mental patients in the community, known as community care, can help patients seek treatment in case of recurrence. Treatment also should not be done in a mental hospital, but could also in health centers.
Schizophrenia should be treated. Scientific data shows, the sooner patients are treated, the greater the chance of recovery. After receiving treatment for two weeks to a month, usually the patient can be returned to society.

According to Bambang, the length of treatment depends on the response to treatment, the patient's personality, stress levels, until the rationality of patients.
"Patients who are rational, with stress levels low and steady personality more easily receive and give a positive response to treatment. While private are not mature, more easily stressed and difficult to receive treatment," he said.
Before being returned to the community, the family will be given the knowledge of how to care for and treat patients. Families are also invited to recognize signs of relapse. "Families should also not be too cool or chatty. Do not let too many people stunned and develop a sense of suspicion, "said Bambang.
Patients who quickly adapted, could soon be active and have a life like other people.

Kale contain vitamin A exceed carrots

Green leafy vegetables are included in the ranks of nutritious food must be consumed every day. If you are bored with the vegetable that's it, why not try the kale. In addition to fiber, vegetables from the cabbage family contain vitamin fairly complete.

Here are 6 facts about kale that makes it worthy of being considered to be included in the shopping list.

1. Contains more vitamin C than oranges
One bowl of chopped kale contains 134 percent of the recommended intake of vitamin C every day. The content of the kale into more than oranges due to reach this content, kale only weighs 67 grams, while the orange weighs 131 grams. As a result, the content of vitamin C kale was two times more than oranges.

2. Contains a lot of healthy fats
Not just fish, it turns green vegetables can also be a source of healthy fat intake. Kale is rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and omega-3 fatty acids needed for brain health, reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, and improve heart health. According to Dr. Drew Ramsey, author of the book 50 Shades of Kale, every bowl of kale contains 121 mg of ALA.

3. Rich in vitamin A
Kale contains 133 percent of your vitamin A intake each day. This means that kale is one of the types of vegetables that contain vitamin A the most.

4. Contains more calcium than milk
Although not much different, the calcium content in 100 grams of kale higher than milk. In this amount, kale contains 150 mg of calcium, while milk contains 125 mg.

5. Perforated and "dirty" better
According to the Environmental Working Group, kale and cabbage is one type of vegetable pesticide residues susceptible store. Then the organization recommends that tend to pick kale perforated for pesticide content may be less. Better still if you can choose organic or grow them yourself.

6. Better eaten with other foods
Kale contains many phytonutrients, such as quercetin which helps fight inflammation and prevent the buildup of plaque in the arteries, and sulforafan, anticancer compounds. But to be effective, kale needs to be combined with other foods. The fat in avocados or olive oil can help absorb the content of fat-soluble carotenoids that are more optimal.

Why Sleep Deprivation Makes People Angry Easily?

Lack of sleep and fatigue can change the "personality" of a person becomes irritable and more annoying. Actually, why it happened?

In the Journal of Applied Social Psychology, the researchers explain that the lack of sleep will lead to self-control and ability to think clearly diminished. In addition, lack of sleep also reduces the body's ability to deal with stress.

The less time off, the more difficult for you to judge what is right and wrong. I wonder if the people who are sleep-deprived become more vulnerable to depression.

When lack of sleep, the process of thinking, remembering, and learning to be disturbed. This will cause a person's mood became so chaotic behaviors appear so easily offended. They also become difficult to make a decision.

"During sleep, the body actually saving energy. At the cellular level, a process of improvement. If the process is interrupted, we can not do the things we want, both physically and mentally," says Barry Krakow, sleep expert.

According to the Medical Director of the Sleep Medicine Center Martha Jefferson Hospital Christopher Winter, the study showed an increase in amygdala activity when sleep time is reduced. The amygdala is the part of the brain that regulates emotions, such as anger.

"The way the brain communicates with the amygdala after sleep deprivation in the long run not only encourage the emergence of negative emotions, but also makes us unable to control bad feelings," said Winter.

In children, lack of sleep will also interfere with their control of the emotions and impulsivity. Children who are tired and lack of sleep are generally more frequent rages (tantrums) compared with children who get enough sleep.

Macrobiotic Diet, Lose Weight Adjusts to Life

Macrobiotic diet may be unfamiliar to your ears. This diet method is used by the singer and actress Madonna to maintain her figure. In fact, former U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, and famous actress Gwyneth Paltrow was also once tried the macrobiotic diet. So what is the macrobiotic diet?

Macrobiotic diet originated from an ancient Chinese philosophy that teaches the balance of "Yin" and "Yang". This diet focuses on balancing the types of food intake by considering seasonal factors, climate, activity, gender, age, for health, as well as to achieve harmony of body and soul.

The point is, macrobiotic dieters believe that the food consumed will have an impact on health and happiness. They also felt that by choosing foods that are natural (not processed foods) can improve the quality of life and help maintain or lose weight.

In practice, this diet recommends that a person increases consumption of fibrous foods, such as whole grains, nuts, legumes, fruits, grains, vegetables, and fish and shellfish.

Red meat, poultry meat, and alcohol is the abstinence of food and beverages consumed by macrobiotic dieters drink while the most recommended in the macrobiotic diet is water and tea.

This diet is intended to balance food intake element of Yin and Yang. Yin foods are classified as foods that are considered cold, sweet, and passive, while Yang is the opposite, ie foods that seem hot, salty, and aggressive.
Food "Yin" and "Yang"

In accordance with the philosophy, macrobiotic diet classifies foods according to the character of Yin and Yang.

Groups are considered food grains with the most balanced Yin and Yang. Examples are white rice, brown rice, whole wheat.

In the daily diet, grain-grain group this number should be 50-60 percent of other foods. Pasta and bread without yeast is allowed to be consumed occasionally.

The food element of A is usually found in fresh vegetables type the number of 25-30 percent in each dish. Examples are cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, pok coy, radishes, onions, and squash. While celery, lettuce, mushrooms, peas, and beans consumed enough 2-3 times a week. The process of cooking the vegetables should be steamed or sauteed with olive oil.

The other is the element of food, grains, legumes, and seaweed that may be consumed by 5-10 percent in a single dish.

Back on the philosophy of Yin and Yang, which focuses on the unification with the nature of life, then the macrobiotic dieters do not use electric stove or microwave when cooking, as these can eliminate nutrients in cooked food. Instead, they use firewood or gas.

Although the element of Yin foods are highly recommended for consumption. However, there is some element of Yin foods, which are too extreme and should be avoided by macrobiotic dieters, ie eggs, milk, cheese, and butter.

Is the macrobiotic diet safe?

Several questions arose as the development of a macrobiotic diet among celebrities. The question is, whether the macrobiotic diet is really good for health?

American Cancer Society states that a macrobiotic diet is too low in protein and calorie levels are not enough to help cancer patients recover faster post-surgery or chemotherapy.

It is quite reasonable considering the macrobiotic diet is not recommended to consume meat and dairy products as the biggest source of protein. If you aim to increase muscle mass then your chances of success are pretty slim.

Provision of food is always fresh ingredients is likely to become the next obstacle in the midst of a never-ending for macrobiotic dieters.

But on the other hand, this diet can provide a low-calorie food choices that can help you lose weight. In addition, the carbohydrate source is offered in the macrobiotic diet is a complex carbohydrate (slowly digested) that can help you full longer and prevents you from overeating.

So, if you're interested in trying a macrobiotic diet should first consult with your doctor to find out if this diet suits your needs, or just because you want to follow the trend alone.

Do not Ignore When Wake Up Heel Pain

Complaints of pain in the heel is often considered as a result of high levels of uric acid. In fact, pain in the heel, especially if it appears when just woken up, is a hallmark of inflammation of the ligament that supports the arch of the foot.

Inflammation of the ligaments in medical terms is called plantar fasciitis. Ligaments that support the arch or heel bone connects to the toe bone is called the plantar fascia.

If the plantar fascia stretched too often, over time will become weak, swollen, and inflamed. Consequently heel or foot pain when standing or walking, after getting out of bed or sitting for long.

Plantar fasciitis is mostly experienced by those aged between 40-60 years. The condition also affects Rifki Feriandi (43). At first he thought the pain caused by gout.

"Everyone got out of bed in the morning is always sore left ankle. During the 2-3 months I ignored this complaint, but can not stand for long," he said.

According dr.Laura Djuriantina, physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist RS Pondok Indah Jakarta, plantar fasciitis is caused by various factors, among others, many do activities that rely on the heels of, for example, long-distance running, ballet dancing, or aerobics.

"The shape and mechanical foot wrong, such as flat feet, excessive foot arch, or toe walking pattern can also increase the pressure on the plantar fascia," says Laura.

Other factors such as obesity, which is a lot of work rests on the feet, or shoes that do not fit. "For example, thin and loose bertelapak shoes, and shoes with no arch support which is sufficient to absorb the shock," he added.

The main symptom of this disorder is pain when sitting up from bed or longer, then slowly eased slightly stiff after walking a few steps. Pain usually increases when climbing stairs or standing for long.

At first of course it is important to rest the painful part. You do this by reducing road wear or sports that much leg. Cold compresses are also very useful.

According to Laura, radiological examination is needed to accurately determine the cause of heel or foot pain. "Generally, we will find a calcification on the heel bone. Ultrasound or MRI examination will reveal swelling or other changes in the fascia," he explained.

Plantar fasciitis can be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs or corticosteroid injections. Another therapy is physiotherapy, special tools to spread the load on the heel and arch sustain.

In the chronic cases that can be performed surgically or non-surgical treatment called Radial Shock Wave Therapy (RSWT). The therapeutic use of high-pressure shock waves that are transmitted through the network on the sore area.

RSWT, according to Laura, prove useful in chronic cases, which had not previously tissue can heal itself so that it becomes chronic. "The shock wave will stimulate metabolic activity in the area of ​​pain and blood flow," he said.

Watermelon juice Prevent Cramps After Sports

Almost everyone has experienced muscle cramps, usually occurs after high intensity exercise. Drinking watermelon juice could actually prevent muscle cramps that disturb it.

Muscle cramps are cramps that often occur in the calf muscles that occur during sleep. The causes include excessive use of muscles, dehydration, injury, muscle stretch, or stay in one position for a long time.

Drink enough water to prevent dehydration during this known to prevent muscle cramps. But the amino acid content in watermelon work more effectively to reduce the risk of cramping.

Amino acid called L-citrulline, is found in watermelon, garlic, and onion. Prevent cramping is one of the benefits of the amino acid.

Research shows L-citrulline contains antioxidants, which if made in supplement form, can eliminate lactic acid faster. This means that cramps can be cured more quickly.

Lactic acid is formed in muscles when energy production faster than oxygen can be delivered. Normally, the body will break down glucose into a substance called pyruvate, to then be metabolized and converted to energy.

But if the oxygen supply is limited, the body will convert pyruvate to lactate. Lactic actually strengthen muscles but also have side effects, including increased acidity and cramps next day.

Encarna Aguayo, researchers from Spain said, L-citrulline in watermelon juice can be used as a sports drink to help faster muscle recovery.

Aguayo and his team observed that as much as 1.5 liters of watermelon juice consumed after exercise can prevent muscle cramps. Watermelon juice even more effective than sports drinks.

Citrulline is included in the essential amino acids. Benefits include blood circulation and cleanse ammonia and other toxins in the liver. Citrulline in watermelon are also known to help lower blood pressure and increase male sexual arousal.

10 Dangers of Sugar Sweetness Behind

Although already know sugar is not good for health, most people do not mengangggap harmful sugar. At least, not as bad as sugar is considered saturated fat, salt, or calories. Maybe this is making it difficult to reduce the consumption of sugar.

Despite the fact that most people around the world consume 500 extra calories just from sugar they eat. Behind the sweetness of sugar, it contained dangers should not be underestimated.

The following 10 adverse effects of sugar that could be the reason you need to immediately reduce the consumption of sugar.

1. Sugar damages the heart
Although long known as one of the risk factors for heart disease, a study in the Journal of the American Heart Association in 2013 finally found strong evidence of the mechanisms of how sugar damages the heart. The study states, the sugar molecules called glucose 6-phosphate causes changes in the heart muscle leading to heart failure.

2. Sugar formed belly fat
The prevalence of obesity increased in recent years, both in adults and children. One reason is the high consumption of sugary beverages. A study found that consumption of fructose (a type of sugar) causes the increase of excess abdominal fat increases the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

3. Sugar kills silently
A 2008 study revealed that excessive fructose consumption is associated with an increased risk of the condition of leptin resistance. Leptin is the hormone that tells the brain when the stomach is full. If the body is leptin resistance, then the brain will not feel satisfied even if the body is already full. As a result, we can not stop the urge to eat. In the long run this would lead to obesity. It happens slowly, so people often do not realize is experienced.

4. Sugar feeds cancer cells
Every human being has the risk of cancer because cancer cells in his body. Even so, the body has its own mechanism to kill cancer cells so that the cells do not necessarily develop into a deadly cancer. Unfortunately, excessive sugar consumption will damage the mechanism. Plus, a recent study revealed that sugar is a good nutrition for cancer cells to thrive.

5. "Addicted" sugar can be lowered
Sugar also are additive so maybe there is a term for sugar cravings. Unfortunately, this sugar addiction could be genetic that can be derived, because it involves a change in the hormone ghrelin. Ghrelin is a hormone that tells the brain when the body is hungry. However, changes in these hormones will result in the body's hungry and wants to eat constantly.

6. Sugar and alcohol have similar toxic effects
A study in the journal Nature indicates that sugar could be as dangerous as alcohol. The study showed that consumption of fructose and glucose excessive toxic effects on the liver. This effect was also similar to that given by alcohol.

7. Sugar lowers the ability of the brain
Sugar is known to accelerate the aging process of cells, as well as brain cells. So by eating a lot of sugar, brain cells function tends to decline more rapidly.

8. Sugar is often hiding in the food "without sugar"
Reducing sugar not only by reducing sugary foods such as sweets, cakes, biscuits, and so on, because actually there are also foods that are considered without sugar but it contains a lot of sugar. For example ketchup, bread, crackers, and others.

9. Sweetened drinks may shorten life
A study in 2013 estimated that there were 180,000 deaths worldwide are caused by the consumption of sugary beverages. The researchers concluded that the death may be due to the relationship with the risk of sugary drinks such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

10. Sugar makes fat
This fact is most clearly visible from eating too much sugar. Excess sugar consumption will contribute to the intake of calories should come from foods that contain a lot of nutrients so unwittingly diasup calories beyond the expiry of calories per day and make the weight increases.

Monday, 29 July 2013

This Characteristic for Cardiac Chest Pain

Each person must have felt chest pain during his life. Even in a year at least you never once felt chest pain. Most, will directly connect with chest pain of heart disease, especially if the chest pain is felt in the left chest.

In fact, chest pain caused by heart disease less than the frequency of chest pain not caused by heart disease. Research related to the causes of chest pain ever done in Switzerland involving 672 patients. These patients come with complaints of chest pain. But after undergoing the examination, chest pain caused by heart disease only about 16 percent. Is the cause of most muscle problems, which is about 50 percent.

Similar research has also been conducted on 135 pediatric patients aged 4-17 years. The children were brought for treatment because complaining of chest pain. Of the many children, chest pain caused by heart disease was found only in 1 patient only. The rest chest pain caused by muscle tension, such as psychic anxiety, and gastrointestinal disorders.

But that does not mean we should not underestimate chest pain. Chest pain that was caused heart can be fatal. Therefore, knowledge about the characteristics of chest pain caused by heart is very important.

Characteristic chest pain caused by heart

Pain is defined as an unpleasant sensation caused by tissue damage. Actual pain is subjective. Heart will give you the sensation of pain in the event of the threat of damage to the heart tissue. Terseringnya the cause is lack of oxygen and blood that may appear on the conditions blockages or narrowing of coronary arteries.

Not all chest pain worry comes from the heart. Some characteristics of chest pain should be wary berikutlah comes from the heart.

The heart is located in the middle of the chest a little bit to the left. Therefore, not all chest pain caused by heart is felt on the left. When the right side of the heart damage, the pain can be felt right chest pain. If the damaged heart tissue behind, it can appear symptoms bad taste in the back. Similarly, if the bottom of the heart is damaged, the pain can be felt in the pit of the stomach that resemble symptoms of heartburn.

Organs including the heart so that the nature of the pain is pain that is not localized. That is, you will not be able to designate the location of the pain with just one finger. Typically, a patient's heart will show you where the pain with the rest of the palm of his hand when asked where the pain is felt.

Sensation of chest pain caused by heart usually blunt. Crushed chest pain like a heavy sensation, depressed, severe tightness, and burning. However, some of them may also experience pain prickling.

Another distinctive feature is that there is propagation. Pain caused by the heart can be spread through the nerves to the shoulder, left arm, through to the back, and neck. The typical places for spreading pain from the heart.

Regarding long, chest pain can vary depending on the severity of heart disease. Chest pain due to mild narrowing usually lasts less than 20 minutes. Meanwhile, total blockage or pain due to acute heart attacks occur more than 20 minutes.

Chest pain from heart disease occurs when the heart of our work increases, for example when on the move, shortly after the move, angry, emotional, or stress. Pain is relieved with rest and calm down.

Another distinctive feature is that the pain is not affected by body position. Standing, sitting, lying tilted to the right, the left, and so will not affect the pain. Similarly with breathing. Pain caused by the heart not getting sick or exhale as you pull. If the pain increases with breathing, chest pain it causes more suspicion caused by the lungs or the chest wall muscle.

Chest pain caused by heart usually accompanied by other symptoms of sympathetic nerves, the symptoms such as anxious person. Sympathetic symptoms include cold sweats, rapid heart rate, weakness, nausea, and vomiting.

You have chest pain? or the people around you there is pain in the chest? Try to fit the characteristics of pain in the upper. Not so fast fear that experienced chest pain due to heart. However, if the characteristics presumably leads to the heart, immediately to the nearest hospital

Anger So Reason Men Drinking Alcohol

Particular mood or emotion can drive a person to enjoy alcoholic drinks. However, the actual effect of alcohol is not too much to restore the mood.

In men, emotional upset can encourage them to drink alcohol. According to research by Valeri S Harder, angry man who feels inclined to drink compared with that anger can be controlled.

Harder initially thought someone would feel less angry or sad after drinking, and feel happier after drinking. However, apparently the result of research suggests otherwise.

"The fact is not so. Someone unhappy because they drink a lot of alcohol," said Harder, who was assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Vermont.

Both men and women are equally unhappy the next day after drinking. But the effect was stronger in women.

To track the habits and their effects on mood, Harder and his team used an interactive voice recording program such as the call center at the bank. They involve 246 participants by the study physician considered susceptible to alcohol addiction.

The respondents are those who have followed the program to reduce drinking. They then got a call every day for six months to report on mood, stress level, and drinking habits. Respondents aged between 21-82 years.

Stress is known to alter one's mood and their drinking habits. In a previous study even concluded, high stress can be a factor that drives a person to drink the next day.

Harder to explain, people who think alcohol can increase feelings of mood they should pay attention to what they would have done the next day after drinking.

Therefore, rather than menyakan how many times they've been drinking in a week, doctors advised patients to ask their mood before and after drinking. Open discussion of the anger that is felt, particularly in men, may also help to reduce the desire to drink.

Creativity Included in the Kids Life Skills

Most parents expect their children academically smart, but creativity is not less important. Creative children can see the problem from different directions making it easier to find a solution, because that creativity is included in life skills.

Creative children generally do not hesitate to express what is on his mind. They are also more advanced thinking and calculating. so dare to be responsible in what you do. It is good for children's character development in the future.

Basically every child born creative, but with different levels. The learning process is done will determine whether or not such creativity flourish.

According to psychologist Hildayani Rini, creativity associated with the child's ability to interact. Creative children are generally able to manage emotions well so that children can express what he was thinking and feeling well.

"Children can creatively explain what he had in mind. This is certainly good for interpersonal relationships," Rini said in an event held by Scott Emulsion in Jakarta some time ago.

If not able to do it verbally child will express it in other ways, such as drawing, singing, or any other way that might not have thought of.

Optimize creativity can do little disejak. The shape can vary depending on age. But the children who are still in the age play, deliver the child to play.

Although today many courses available places to hone the creativity of children, but Rini assess parents play a bigger role. "Kids spend a lot of time with her parents, especially in the first years of life," he said.

Creativity can be honed with simple activities, such as reading stories, watching cartoons together and then retell the story, play music, or make a craft together.

Parents can also provide support to the creative process of children with praise. "Do not just give a negative assessment if the work seems strange child, or forcing a child to obey a particular form," he added.

He mencongohkan child who just drew a black hole. Parents can explore what is being drawn boy, probably because the image is the result of his observations of the sky overcast, keyhole, or dug wells.

"The award of the parents will make children feel comfortable so that he can dig deeper imagination," he said.

4 Reasons to Make Friendship Add Healthy

One of the secrets of living a healthy and long life is socializing. Believe it or not, have a good relationship with family, colleagues, friends, and other people around makes us more healthy. Here are some reasons we should give priority to socialize with them.

1. rarely sick
Socializing makes us less sick. A study proves, people who have good social relationships tend to be more difficult to influenza virus than those who isolate themselves.

2. Sleep more soundly
Loneliness will lead us to have a good night's sleep. A study from the University of Chicago indicates, the more lonely you are, the more difficult to get a good night's sleep and quality. In fact, well known that sleep is an important factor to get a healthier body.
Sleep the body needs to regenerate cells so it is useful to keep your body young. A study also showed the benefits of sleep to speed healing, especially in the sleep phase.

3. Prevent cognitive decline
Several studies show that people who have a strong social support have a lower risk of cognitive decline. This is because socializing makes the brain remains active so keeping function remains good.

4. longevity
A study in 2010 to analyze, people with strong social ties 50 percent more likely to longevity. Even they do not socialize with the impact mengkaterorikan bad habit of smoking.
A recent study shows, socializing can help cure breast cancer patients. Have good relationships with friends and family will be the cause of pleasure and pain relief for patients.

Low vitamin Also Make Difficult Sleep

Life in big cities often keep us from sleeping soundly. Although always come home tired and lethargic condition after the move, but the eyes remain closed at night difficult.

Stress and activity remains to be done until late at night is the main cause why sleep disorders become familiar problem encountered modern humans.

Even so it was less influential vitamin also why it is hard to get quality sleep at night. That's why we do not fix diet prior to pharmacy to find a remedy to sleep.

Here are three sleep disorder caused by a deficiency of vitamins or minerals.

- It's hard to sleep
Magnesium plays a major role in the functioning of the body to regulate sleep. Insomnia is one of the symptoms of magnesium deficiency, even according to the study, this mineral deficiencies also lead to depression and mental problems.

Inadequate body's need for magnesium with more frequent eating dark green leafy vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and fish.

- Sleeping rough
Potassium supplementation may help those who have difficulty sleeping soundly through the night. In addition to bananas, nuts, vegetables, avocado, and potatoes are the best sources of potassium.

- Tired and sleepy in the afternoon
There is a strong association between daytime sleepiness with a deficiency of vitamin D. Sunlight is the best source of this vitamin. But we also can meet the body's need for vitamin D through deep sea fish and fortified foods.

Simple ways to be Avoided Breast Cancer

Every woman with breast cancer risk. In fact, one of the 22 women diagnosed with breast cancer in India and there was a woman diagnosed with breast cancer every 6.5 minutes.

Risk of breast cancer increases with age. Hereditary factors can affect cancer risk by about 8-10 percent or more. Meanwhile, there are also other factors that play a role, ie lifestyle factors including diet, exercise, and others.

Even so, there is still hope to fight this deadly disease. Prevention, early detection, and treatment is a way to get a better cure rate.

There is no absolute method to prevent cancer, but early detection is important. Medical intervention is done early to facilitate the healing of cancer.

Because early detection is important, so be aware that there are signs in the breast is a must do. So, visit your doctor immediately if you become aware of signs such as a lump or thickening in the breast, swelling, rashes or skin color is darkened in the breast, changes in shape and size of the breast, nipple that goes into, itching, and discharge like blood .

Aware of the signs are sometimes not easy, therefore you need to consider carefully the changes that occur in the breast. One of the recommended methods, namely by knowing it (check your own breasts). Realize divided into two parts, namely, seeing and feeling.

To see, you have to stand in front of the mirror and pay attention to the breasts, of the starting color, size, until the nipple situation. Next, lift your hands, place it on the head, and your breasts look back.

And to think, you need to lie on your back with a pillow under your shoulders and arms raised. Use fingertips and check the breast tissue with the vertical movement with a touch firm, but gentle. Do it from the nipple to the area around the armpit.

Do realize that once a month on the same day each month. You can also check their breasts once a month to doctors 6-12. You need to do a mammogram if you are over the age of 40 years, or earlier if you have a family history of breast cancer.

5 Natural Ingredients Shrimp Allergy Bidders

Consumption of shrimp and other seafood increased over the past few years. Beside rich in protein and minerals, shrimp and seafood also contain omega-3 fatty acids needed for brain and heart health.
Even so, the seafood is one of the biggest causes of food allergies in the world. The increasing interest in the consumption of shrimp and other seafood are also increasing prevalence of allergies.

One of the symptoms of allergies shrimp and other seafood are reddish patches on the skin accompanied by itching, which if left unchecked it will be eczema. Other symptoms of allergies, ie shortness of breath and coughing.

Allergy symptoms can be alleviated with medication, but in fact there are also foods that can alleviate it, including the following.

1. Lemon
Lemon is very beneficial for all types of allergies, including allergies shrimp. When allergy symptoms appear, then immediately drink a glass of warm lemon juice. This fruit will soon reduce red spots that arise.

2. honey
Honey is known as the best shrimp allergy medicine. When it comes allergy symptoms after eating shrimp, then immediately drink a glass of warm water mixed with a tablespoon of honey. Honey contains certain vitamin that helps relieve itching.

3. Foods containing vitamin E
It's best to treat allergies quickly shrimp is eating foods rich in vitamin E, such as nuts. Foods rich in vitamin E containing antialergen that help cure and prevent virtually all types of food allergies.

4. Jatropha seed oil
The best cure for allergies shrimp, ie drinking castor seed oil which has been dissolved in warm water. Even a week after recovering too, this solution should still be drunk.

5. ginger
If allergy symptoms shrimp and seafood have been raised, then it is time to take a cup of warm ginger. Ginger has benefits to reduce red and itchy rash on the skin that are caused by allergies.

Providing Computer Adverse Effect on Children's Room

Though useful for working on school assignments at once entertainment, but put a computer in the room can also be bad for the kids.
Research has shown that computers can disrupt children's sleep schedule and trigger trouble remembering. Hence also, children who are equipped computers tend to get bad grades in school. The experts recommend, computers and televisions should not be placed in a child's room.

According to them, sleep is very important for children, especially before the age of adolescence. Sleep benefit transfer of information from short-term memory into long-term useful to remember the lesson.

In their research, scientists from The University of Helsinki Finland involving 353 children aged 10 to 11 years. They questioned the children about the location of the TV and computer as well as their sleep habits. The researchers repeated again 18 months later.

Research results are published in the journal BMC Public Health are found, the computer and TV in a child's room in particular can be a nuisance sleeping child.

According to the researchers, the availability of computers in the room to make children addicted to playing games tend to reduce their sleep time. Similarly, TV makes children less likely to exercise and not tired at the time they were supposed to sleep.

Light which issued the screen can trigger hormonal changes in the body. Hormonal imbalances, particularly those associated with sleep hormone, to cause trouble sleeping.

One researcher says Teija Nuutinen, electronic items should not be placed in a child's room. Children need more sleep, and electronic items that can reduce their sleep time.
"If left unchecked, then this will affect their performance in school and their development," said Nuutinen.