Saturday, 27 July 2013

Do not Forget Water At Iftar

Not eating and drinking about 14 hours during the fasting of course greatly affect the condition of the body. Lack of fluid and nutrient intake that goes to make the body often feels weak. The fix is ​​to eat and drink. Of course eating and drinking activities you do in time, ie when breaking and thereafter until dawn.

Many people lose their appetite when fasting. Sweet drink consumed during fasting often enough to quench the thirst and instantly eliminate hunger.

Similarly, when the meal a lot of lazy people eat for reasons sleepy. In fact, generally the calories needed per day by adult women and 1,900 men 2,100 calories.

To keep meeting those needs, you should still eat as well as dawn broke. You can also eat the palm fruit is believed to provide and restore energy during fasting.

If you are lazy to eat at dawn and thought to simply replace food with vitamins, it is not recommended. Vitamins can not replace all the necessary food needs. Your body needs other elements as well.


Takjil synonymous with fasting, the majority of snacks are sweet and it is not uncommon cold temperature. Break the fast with sweet dishes and cold triggers insulin to work due to a spike in blood sugar content.

Highly recommended break with a warm drink with low sugar content. Do not forget to drink water and then fixed. Try to stay within the recommended idea, l is at least 8 glasses of fluids to avoid dehydration and to restore lost during fasting.