Wednesday, 10 July 2013

'Treatment' Ancient Streets Ala India, Hand & Foot were slashed use razor

Delhi, India, Hundreds of patients visiting the clinics 'open air' outside the biggest mosque in Delhi, India. The owner claimed that the ancient treatment is done with legs and arms slashed with a razor, can cure many diseases, ranging from cancer to pain itself.

Clinic 'open air' belongs Judge Ghyas offer care to hundreds of patients every day. Patients who came first had to stand in the sun for half an hour to make the blood flow easier.

Then the patients were still standing upright, fastened from the waist to the feet with a rope and an incision was made with a razor blade, which is claimed to be able to pull out a dirty well as diseases of the blood in the body. This therapy is called with bloodletting.

"This technique can cure many forms of arthritis, heart disease and that early stage blood cancer. I do not ask for payment for patient care because most of them are sick and poor," says Hakim Ghyas (79) on CNN, as reported by the Daily Mail, Wednesday (10/07/2013).

Instead, in order to make money in order to continue living, Ghyas relies on one of her children who have a business store. While the other children to follow his father's footsteps by helping to serve 'therapy' bloodletting.

'Treatment' is called similar to bloodletting or cupping is an ancient treatment that was first mentioned in medical texts of ancient Greek and Sanskrit thousands of years ago. This action involves bleeding is controlled, in an effort to rid the body of 'tainted blood'. This technique mimics the process of a woman's menstruation.

The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates believed that menstruation functioned to "purge women of bad things'. The basic premise of this therapy, the bad blood is considered as the root cause of all diseases: 'If you rid the body of bad blood, you generate new blood and in turn restore your health'.